Melanin for the Win

PC: Juliana Joyce, MT-BC
“ that radiates when we accept ourselves as who we really are- human beings from all different cultures, beautifully made, beautifully broken, and beautifully able to be restored and healed. No matter what our skin color may be. No matter what our skin color may be."
This is the first summer I felt beautiful in my brown skin. Growing up in a few different cultures, I consistently heard comments about my skin color. I wasn’t always sure how to navigate these messages in my heart because they contradicted each other. One culture would say, “the fairer you are, the more beautiful you are”, while the other culture praised me for having brown skin.
Every summer, I heard some comment from both cultures. I was either praised or put down.
Whenever I got a tan, I was immediately told ways to get rid of it or how I “should” cover up. The worst was when someone mentioned they couldn’t find me outside hanging out with friends because my skin was “that dark”.
That hurt me to my very core.
After many summers of trying to cover up my arms, make face masks with the “beloved” spice of the motherland, “turmeric”, and buy whatever skin product that claimed to make me more “fair”, I finally thought, there’s nothing FAIR about this.
I actually love my skin and always have. It’s a part of who I am.
I love my tiny freckles, areas of discoloration, and the stories my skin holds. My actual skin serves to be both a barrier and an experience. It protects and embraces, feels and absorbs. My skin feels my favorite things like hugs from loved ones, cool ocean water, the strings of my guitar, the tears from laughter, and the surprise of a soft breeze on my face.
The hue shouldn’t matter.
I am more than just the color of my skin.
“The hue shouldn't matter. I am more than just the color of my skin.”
So here’s to celebrating my roots in a new, non-conforming way. Here’s to real beauty that comes from within. To authenticity and embracing who I am in this skin.
Here’s to all of us and our beauty that radiates when we accept ourselves as who we really are- human beings from all different cultures, beautifully made, beautifully broken, and beautifully able to be restored and healed. No matter what our skin color may be.
Action Steps
Write down 2-3 favorite qualities about yourself- both external and internal. Write "I love _______". Put it up on your mirror or somewhere where you will see it daily. Take the time to read it and marinate in the truth of your beauty that YOU see in YOURSELF. You can also write it as a reminder on your phone so you are notified throughout the day and remember to read it!
Be gentle with yourself if you don't feel beautiful all the time. Accept how you're feeling and meet yourself where you're at. Once you do, look back at what you wrote. You are beautiful- no matter what your culture's standard of beauty is.
Special THANK YOU to my wonderful roommate, Jules Joyce! Extremely grateful for you! Thank you for using your gifts to capture these beautiful photos! My personal favorites are the ones with you in them :)
