Kintsugi- The Human Experience

Kintsugi- The Human Experience
“Kintsugi your heart and your life; golden joinery."
I recently learned about a Japanese art form called "Kintsugi" and fell in love with the concept behind it. Kintsugi is a form of art where broken items, such as pottery, is put back together by using gold lacquer, a liquid made of various substances that dries to form a protective layer in the areas of breakage. Artists believe that broken items can be made even more beautiful than how they were originally.
I feel like "Kintsugi" describes the human experience in a unique way. In a way, we humans are like pieces of pottery- constantly being molded and chiseled as we grow and experience different seasons of life. This means we'll face hardships, so we'll be chipped, scratched and even broken at times. Our internal and external views of the world will change as we are being sculpted through life.
“...chipped, scratched and even broken at times. Our internal and external views of the world will change as we are being sculpted through life."
However, if we apply "Kintsugi" to our lives, we can view ourselves and this world a little differently.
I always say that humans are beautifully made and beautifully broken. We can do so much and feel so much. What we do with our abilities and feelings though is what contributes to our human experience. It's no joke that being a human is hard, and in a world that views brokenness as something to be patched up and never tended to, we aren't really provided the space or opportunity to learn how to heal.
Our brokenness doesn't have to be an obstacle though. If we allow ourselves to be healed, we are providing space for the gold lacquer to be poured into our cracks so we can be refined into something even more beautiful. Our brokenness of scars are what mend us and we can either let that gold lacquer shine or not be poured in at all.
“Our brokenness doesn't have to be an obstacle..."
To anyone who is reading this, I want you to know that the pain you have experienced in this life will not go wasted. Yes, it's heavy. Yes, it's absolutely uncomfortable to think about or face. But I promise, it will bring healing when tended too, which can bring healing to others. Let yourself be shaped and refined again and again to who you are meant to be- a beautifully created being with a special purpose in this world that only YOU can fulfill. You may never know what it is in this life, but I can assure you that applying "kintsugi" to your heart and your life will shape you more into a masterpiece that you already are.
Let yourself be human and embrace your golden journey.
"Let yourself be human and embrace your golden journey."
Action Steps
- Take a look inward, as uncomfortable as it might be, and reflect on areas you'd like to be sculpted differently. Think about what you'd like to try and heal- it could be relationships with loved ones, a habit you've been wanting to break, forgiveness towards yourself, etc. Whatever it may be, know that acknowledging it is the first, best step you can take.
-Pick one area you'd like to focus on pouring that metaphorical golden lacquer into. For example, if it's forgiveness towards yourself, talk about it with someone you trust or write a letter to yourself. Extend yourself the same grace you freely give to others. If you decide to write a letter to yourself, write it in a way you'd talk to a friend. We can be so hard on ourselves as humans. Writing to yourself the way you would to a friend will allow that gold lacquer to shine even more.
-If you are feeling like there's too many things to be healed and it's not possible, then please consider finding a mental health professional. It's okay to feel this way, but it's also healthy to take a step to make a change. The totality of our lives comes from what is measured in our minds. Taking the time to be kind to your mind will sculpt you to something even more unique.